Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coming Soon: A Different Shade of Paisley

It is in the hope of restoring a semblance of peace on the homefront that I have agreed to extend an invitation to The Really Right Reverend Paisley Ledbetter to become another author/contributing member of this site.  Not that it has been all that peaceful here at home at any particular time, but with my mother-in-law being on a rampage more than usual the last few weeks, I just had to do something.

You see, The Really Right Reverend Paisley Ledbetter is especially precious to my mother-in-law.  I don’t know why, and neither one is telling.

My wife refuses to take a side, and I suppose I cannot really blame her.  For she knows just what her mother is capable of much better than I do.

All of this started when The Really Right Reverend was promoted from just being The Right Reverend.  Since I am not sure which denomination issued his credentials, I have no idea how that came to be, but when it did, he started talking about how he should expose himself to more of the world.

No, the boy just ain’t right, but it could be argued that it may not be his fault.  After all, his middle name is Plaid.

Alas, I do not have the words to express just how sorry I am about this, and I hope you can give me the benefit of your doubts.  After you start seeing what I mean, I suppose it isn’t going to matter much, either way.

I was, however, able to negotiate a compromise of sorts.  For instead of letting him publish directly, like the rest of the authors/contributing members do, his articles will have to be submitted to the Hardshell Baptist Parental Guidance Advisory Board for review, and they will be the ones who will actually post what is approved of under his name.  May we be given the strength to endure this time of great tribulation.

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John Myste said...

This was a hilarious introduction. I have had a taste of his writings and I welcome his input here. I think he will provide me with much fodder to satirize.

Unknown said...

Oh my dear, dear John. Be very careful with what you wish for.

Rational νεόφυτος said...

I can't wait! Lavender and Paisley, the dynamic duo!

Unknown said...

As I told John, be very careful with what you wish for, my dear Lavender.