Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Daze of Our Lives

The more I listened to a pastor of a church talk about how angry he had been (and still is to a certain extent) at our Heavenly Father for allowing the lives of two of his children to be cut way too short, the more I felt compelled to shake my head in dismay.  For when someone who does not know and understand what is really going on in this world holds a position of authority over others who do not know and understand, it is truly a blind leading the blind situation.

Yes, the death of one’s child is most certainly a very sensitive subject, and if you are familiar with [The Crackerhead Chronicles], you should know that I have spent way too much time being way too upset over less.  In fact, I still suffer from such weakness far too often.  So, please do not think that I am completely bereft of sympathy—not to mention compassion.

Nonetheless, let us look at our time as a part of this world through our Heavenly Father’s eyes.  For even what we would naturally consider to be the most wonderful of lives in this world are absolutely miserable in comparison to the worst of lives in His Kingdom of Heaven.

No, that does not appear to bode well in His favor, and if our time as a part of this world is all that will ever be to our existences, we would be most justified to think that He surely created most (if not all) of us to be the objects of His scorn—certainly not His affections.  Ah, but the biggest points of all to this matter is that this world was never meant to last but a little while in comparison to the whole of eternity, and that our time as a part of it was never meant to be the end of our existences.  Furthermore, there can be more to our continued existences than what any of us can even start to naturally comprehend!

Perhaps it would be helpful to think of our time in this world as being like teenaged years in a natural sense.  For there were things that we truly believed at the time had to happen or life would not be worth living anymore—things that are no longer nearly as important to us as adults, such as going on a date with someone or having a particular style of clothes to wear.

In my own case, I was in absolute agony for around six months on account of my parents not letting me go get a driver’s license as soon as I turned 16, and the agony intensified when they refused to let me drive by myself after I had scored a 100% on the written part and a 98% on the driving part of the licensing test.  Be assured that there were other life or death situations, but that 10-month period of time was the worst to me.

No, this is not to suggest that not getting a particular present on your fifth birthday was any less traumatic at the time, but the cares of life always weight heaviest on teenagers.  Hey, I do believe that there are even scientific studies to prove it!

Through it all, a good parent should always be patient with their children—regardless of at what stage of development they may be.  Be assured that this is the way our Heavenly Father always is with all of us, but there is a time to grow up in both a natural and Spiritual sense.

Yes, the physical death of very young children may deprive their parents of much joy and satisfaction in the remaining years of their lives in this world.  On the other hand, could this not actually spare them from having to endure more anguish than what any of us would naturally want to bear, and who would know better about what is yet to come than our Heavenly Father?  


Brenda said...

I had what people call a 'death experience' when I was twenty eight. It is accounted in one of my older posts on my blog. I would comfort anybody who has experienced the loss of a loved one in saying that the experience that I had was one of total love, total peace and there is nothing that I have experienced on earth that has matched my being taken to that place.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Brenda!!! I would love to read your account. Could you leave the URL to the article? If not, I will try to look for it, but with my eyes still being rather blurry, it would sure be helpful to have a specific address.