Saturday, January 21, 2012

Perfect For Second-Childhoods?

At first, I didn’t know what to think, but then it started getting clearer to me that this just might be about as brilliant of a marketing campaign as we have ever seen.  For with millions upon millions of baby-boomers practicing for their second-childhoods for several years now, they should be more than ready to embrace scarfing down [gummy bear vitamins] by the handfuls to help insure being around long enough to motivate younger generations to legalize mercy-killings.  Of course, mercy for whom will have to be worked out in congressional committee meetings, but as long as it cuts spending on social welfare programs, the Tea-Partiers should be all for it.

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Rational νεόφυτος said...

" help insure being around long enough to motivate younger generations to legalize mercy-killings". What the heck? Why would they linger to be around and then motivate younger generations to legalize mercy-killings?

Unknown said...

It's called sarcasm, my dear RN.