Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rob Bell and the Emergents: A Satire


Rational νεόφυτος said...

Very funny. Not sure how someone could be a "Calvinist-Arminian" without cancelling themselves out... hehe...

Unknown said...

If the consequences were not so dire, this would be a lot funnier. Nonetheless, being the naturally-degenerative sort, it did make me chuckle.

JosiahBatten said...

Yes, the Calvinist-Arminian thing is really hard to reconcile. Yet this is exactly how Brian McLaren described himself in his book "A Generous Orthodoxy."

The consequences are indeed dire. I think satire, which Doug Wilson describes as "sharing the truth with a less than perfect love," is a good way to get through to people.

Glad you enjoyed the video, God bless!