Thursday, January 31, 2013

Small Miracles Loom Large

Around a month ago, I fell out in the front yard of our home.  We had been getting a mix of sleet and snow, and around a half of an inch of it had accumulated by the time I decided that it would be nice to go get our trash can from beside the street after the trash truck had come by.

Just being now able to go get the trash can is something of a miracle to me.  For it is around 100 feet from our front door to where the trash can is placed by the side of the street, and making a roundtrip of over 200 feet would have been out of the question not so very long ago.

It was, however, just after making it maybe 20 feet toward the trash can that I hit a slick spot, and down I went.  So?

No, I did not break anything—not even my pride.  For there are actually times when it is virtually non-existent, and the only thing I was concerned with at the time was getting back on my feet with the outside temperature being rather serious about staying near the 20 degree mark on the Fahrenheit side of the gauge.

On the other hand, it was looking like getting back on my feet was going to be problem.  For where I went down was at least 15 feet from anything that I could pull myself back up with, and Arlynda and her mother was not home—not to mention not expected back for several hours.

I was not to a state of panic yet, but I was getting there in a hurry when I clearly heard, “Just try it,” as a thought about getting up off of the ground like people normally do crossed my mind.  So I did try it while thinking that I had nothing to lose, and up I went!

No, I cannot naturally blame you for thinking that it was no big deal, but it was indeed a miracle to me.  For that was the first time I have been able to just get up off of the ground/floor with just the use of my legs in several years.  In fact, I cannot remember the last time I was able to do it before, and I would not be at all shocked to learn that it was 6-7 years ago.

Yes, some consideration should be given to the fact that I was around 100 pounds lighter than I had been for a while at the time, but you might feel differently after trying to take a walk in my shoes.  For aside from my right knee still being about as stable as a bowl of jello, I think I tore a muscle in the back of my right thigh around a year and a half ago, which lets me know that it has not healed properly every waking minute.

Since then, I was allowed and enabled to experience another small miracle.  For I have not driven our car (nor any other vehicle, for that matter) in 3-4 years because of being too fat to fit behind the steering wheel, and I was able to go take it to be inspected a couple of days ago.

I am sorry, it was a trip that I think you would have enjoyed watching (being sarcastic here).  For there I was, with around 3,000,000 miles behind the wheel of a big truck, acting plumb shaky behind the wheel of a 1994 Ford Tempo on a trip that lasted for maybe a mile total in very light traffic on a bright and sunny day.

No, I do not plan on starting to look for reasons to go out for a spin.  For I still feel like I am suffering from a fairly severe case of the flu each and every waking minute, but it is good to know that I can run an errand for my longsuffering wife when it is desperately needed.  Be assured that there will more to come about our changing circumstances later on.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ESPN Additions

Ironically, some of the best television commercials are for ESPN and only air on ESPN.  Now, I do not know if these ads really are meant to add all the more to the viewing experience, but it works for me.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ESPN Additions

Ironically, some of the best television commercials are for ESPN and only air on ESPN.  Now, I do not know if these ads really are meant to add all the more to the viewing experience, but it works for me.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Quite a Cross to Bear

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Amazing Grace

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Friday, January 18, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Not Alone

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Crash and Burn

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Chicken-Haulin'

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Round Two

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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: OTR

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Amarillo

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Life After Marital Death

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Friday, January 11, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: The Best and Worst of Times

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: When Dreams...

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Bates Corner

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Troop 76

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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Wolf Pen Gap

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Eagle Rock

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Shell Knob

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Friday, January 4, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: From Miller to Poverty Point

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Dad

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Crackerhead Chronicles: Mom

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Not Sam Elliott

This is an attempt (the first one, actually) to produce an audible version of The Crackerhead Chronicles in my own voice.  If it is not already, it will soon become obvious that I don’t know much about audio engineering, video editing, nor digital graphics.  I have that on good authority, I’m told.  Of course, my darlin’ wife, Arlynda, would be a whole lot more enthusiastic about this project if I sounded a whole lot more like THE CELERBRATED American actor, Sam Elliott.  Hmm, I wonder if there’s an app for that?  Anyway, let’s move on to…

What you just read is the text for the opening of each of the crumbs/chapters that will be uploaded to YouTube.  Since it pretty much explains what is going on and is not included in written form during the videos, it seemed appropriate to use it as the opening for this.

Alas, I really should have a lot more accomplished than I do.  For I only have one more crumb/chapter actually ready to upload, but a couple are awfully close.

Speaking of awful, what I would think would not be all that much has been a nightmare so far.  Suffice to say that I have newfound great respect for those who can simply read something out loud without mumbling and slurring.  Furthermore, those who can add true feelings to what they are reading are most certainly not getting paid enough!

Of course, what they are given to read does make a difference, and when it is not right, their job becomes exponentially harder.  Despite countless attempts at proof-reading, there was/is quite a bit about the text of [The Crackerhead Chronicles] that wasn’t right, and correcting those mistakes has taken a lot time and energy.

In all fairness, I anticipated the actual recording and video editing process as being a lot more fun than what I wanted to participate in.  For I did not even realize that there was such a program as [Windows Sound Recorder] before I started this project—let alone that it was already included as part of Windows 7 on my computer.

Oh, but wait—there’s more!  For I am using a microphone that came with our first computer back in 2000, and I can hardly hear what has been recorded without cranking up the speaker volume to 100%.

So, some amplification was needed, and that has involved two more programs that I never knew existed before.  For [Audacity] can amplify recordings, but it will only work with mp3 and WAV files.  Therefore, [Free Audio Converter] was needed to convert the WMA files from Windows Sound Recorder to a WAV file, and then used to convert the amplified WAV files to mp3 before they are be added to the video.

The video itself has not been as much of a nightmare as I thought it might be beforehand.  For I played around with Windows Movie Maker a time or two before while trying to produce some WhiteHeart videos, and the Windows Live Movie Maker that I now have to work with is easier to get along with in many regards.

Still, if anything was really easy to do, He wouldn’t be having me do it—now, would He?  Sigh.

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